Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tool #5- Producing with Web 2.0 Tools

Use at least two of the tools above to create products. Think about your content. Create a “set” for one of your lessons! Or, consider providing the site as a choice for your students to create products. Make a model for a student created product.
Describe for your readers how you think each tool can be incorporated into your classroom - how you could see the tool being used by you instructionally and your students to demonstrate their understanding of a concept or topic in your classroom.

I LOVE Wordles!! We did this as a class in the computer lab with our book buddies last year! The kids love them. I thought this one was pretty fitting for right now. :)

As far as incorporating this into a lesson or into my classroom, I think this would be a fabulous "getting to know you" activity for the beginning of the year. Since we will have the minis, we could definitely do this as a class. Each child come come up with a list of words that describe him or her. You could even create a list so that they can simply answer the questions. We could hang these up in the classroom all year long!

I also really like Animoto. This past year, our first graders completed a Presidential research project where they chose a president that they knew little about. After completing the BIG 6 reseach model, the kids created trading cards that we converted into an Animoto! Way cool! We also utilized Big Huge Labs as a website to help us with our trading cards.

iMovie- At the end of the school year, first grade teachers have created 20 minute iMovies that contain pictures of the entire school year. They turn out amazing and we give them to each of the kids as gifts. This is a fabulous tool that is easy to use once you get the hang of it! We plan on continuing this little tradition because we hear great feedback from parents and kids! :)


  1. I love your idea about doing the Wordle at the beginning of the year. What a great "getting to know you" activity! The parents and students are definitely impressed with the iMovies that we do at the end of the year... something we will have to keep doing in the years to come!

  2. As you do wordles...you can keep them as .jpgs if you convert to powerpoint...in the upper grades..we use the ones they create the first weeks of school for a long time and for many activities...
    Wordles are great things to do to see what kids have learned for the day...just have them call out words...great visual.
